Sunday, 13 January 2013

The Legend on a local cycle club ride

Since moving to my new place I have been wanting to cycle around my local area to see exactly what was here. I didn't know anyone so I went searching for local cycling group.

On facebook I found Walthamstow Family Bike Club which holds a ride every 2nd Sunday of each month, sometimes more.
I got suited up and headed to the local meeting point. I just left my house and heading down my road when another rider was coming the other way with a big smile on his face next thing I hear is "Hey I know you Bumble B right!"
Yes dear readers a fan of The Legend, a roadie no less. We stopped for a brief moment and he said that he read about me in the latest LCC magazine. Also commented on how cool Bumble B looked and never seen anything as crazy >:D
Well we said our goodbyes and I headed to the meeting point for the ride.

The Legend with some new friends
I was a little late but only a few was waiting so I knew I was in the right place. We all waited for about 15 mins and in the end there was about 8-9 riders in total. A few group photos where taken and then we headed off on the ride.
The meeting point near St. Mary's Church

Finding all the little short cuts

Another short cut under a busy dual carriage way

Just about to cross a busy junction

Bumble B enjoying the ride

The Legend looks on

Everyone here?

Bumble B @ Highams Park Lake

A few swans @Highams Lake Park

2 curious swans

The Legend taking a little rest

This young lady's Christmas present

Heading up a small hill >:D

Checking the map

Tracking the ride though Chingford Mount Cemetery

Going though Chingford Mount Cemetery

Bumble B folds while everyone else locks up :P

Bumble B in the warm with me

Back at the start
Was a good ride a bit slower than I'm used to but I mainly wanted to go though my local area to see the sights. I will be going on more rides with this club when they come up but I've been warned that some rides are for off road bikes so hopefully they will mention this when posting about a ride. I have got an old mountain bike still at my mums I may bring that if its still functional.

A few have mentioned that they will be attending "The London Bike Show" I did tell everyone that I would be there racing in the Folding Bike race on the 19th around 15:00hrs so hopefully I will have a little fan base to help cheer me on.


  1. Hello again.

    I love my evenings in front of the fire with a coffee and a read of the blogs; doing my rounds as I call it. Good pics and glad you enjoyed yourself. I'm impressed with your Garmin. It has just the right amount of info and displays everything clearly. I'm amazed at the amount of calories burnt. I was expecting half that figure. I suppose because it is sat driven and knows you have been up hills, I suspect it is a more accurate calculation. I did an hour on my indoor cycle trainer yesterday but don't have any computer attached to measure the equivalent miles but it meant that I could eat five homemade mince pies with cream later in the day without feeling bad.

  2. Fantastic Pics as always. Keep the Blogs coming.
