Sunday, 16 June 2013

Winning is good :)

The LightSkin Seat post from Stolen Goat. They ran a competition awhile back and I actually won. It's the first time I've ever won something bike related.

Basically a seat post with flashing LED's built in so I can fold and unfold without worrying about the LED's getting ripped off.

PAD: 13th June 2013
Bumble B with LightSkin

It looks sweet as hell but only thing is cant really have a saddle bag on it. Just need to have the new redesign Brompton Toolkit as that's the only thing I really need to have with me on day to day type stuff.

5 Flashing LED modes and even a rubber bung at the end to protect the end of the post. Clever design that has won some big design awards. I loved it the first time I ever saw them.

Check out Stolen Goat for lots of cycle related bits, bobs & clothing.


  1. Nice prize, Andrew. Good to see it going to a real enthusiast.


  2. Never thought of that, something tiny to just hold my lightrain proof & energy bar. I actually got something really small around that I could use. I'll test it out this weekend :)
