Wednesday 26 December 2012

LBC Ride: Boxing Day Beano 2012

Ladies and Gents, this was planned as a little leisurely ride though London. Which included a few of London's squares & bridges & also a little trip to Abbey Road. >:D

My journey into Central London was longer than normal as there was a London Underground strike going on so NO tube trains where running. So I had to make my way into Central London via bus. I made it to Green Park Station and just typed in the postcode to the Le Pain Quotidien and my Garmin 800 took me right there no problems.
Once there met up with a few other members of LBC, which turned out to be 6 of us all together, there was supposed to be 7 but not sure what happened. Anyways we waited as long as we could and then we set off. We knew there was rain forecast at some point of the ride but we hoping we would be all done and finished before it came down.

LBC Ride: Boxing Day Beano 2012
Albert Bridge

LBC Ride: Boxing Day Beano 2012
Peace Pagoda

LBC Ride: Boxing Day Beano 2012
Outside Battersea Power Station

LBC Ride: Boxing Day Beano 2012
House of Commons from Southside of Thames

LBC Ride: Boxing Day Beano 2012
Winston Churchill Statue @ Parliament Square

LBC Ride: Boxing Day Beano 2012
Nielson Mandela @ Parliament Square

The LBC tried to recreate the famous Beatles Album Cover "Abbey Road"

Beatles "Abbey Road" Album Cover

LBC Ride: Boxing Day Beano 2012
Abbey Road Crossing
As you can see there was alot of tourist doing the same thing, the traffic wasn't too happy at times but we did our best. Maybe next time we will try and do it very early in the day and not on a public holiday.

LBC Ride: Boxing Day Beano 2012
Abbey Road Crossing
We later found there was a webcam at the crossing and you can go back and see yourself crossing the road itself, you really cant mistake me with my Nuclear HiVis jacket >:D Abbey Road Crossing Webcam

Here we are on

Here we are on

Here we are on

The legend at a place where a legends are born. Take note dear readers, you saw "The Legend of the Brompton Bumble B" here too

LBC Ride: Boxing Day Beano 2012
The Legend at Abbey Road Crossing

LBC Ride: Boxing Day Beano 2012
Bromptons outside Abbey Road Studios

LBC Ride: Boxing Day Beano 2012
The Legend outside Abbey Road Studios

LBC Ride: Boxing Day Beano 2012
Regents Park
At this point we all decided to call it a day as it start to spit a little. Most of us headed towards Marble Arch. I was going to catch a bus but seeing the raid was holding off still and the bank holiday traffic was abit crazy I decided to cycle as much as I could til the rain dropped. I managed to get to about Angel before the rain was falling pretty hard and jumped on a bus. When I got off the bus it wasn't the end of my adventures as I will post about in another post.

Another great ride lead by David Parkinson without the use of an electronic devices I might add. Mapping skills amaze me everytime & a good paced ride too.

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