Friday, 20 September 2013

One year later, we return to the Oxford ride

Tomorrow morning we shall be joining a few members of my London Brompton Club riding from Richmond to Oxford. This ride I did just over 1 yr ago almost to the day which was my first BIG ride.

I remember the realisation of carrying my huge O bag was a biggest mistake as in any wind it acted like a front spoiler in a F1 race car which made the cycling even more difficult.

I also remember taking my camera but leaving the battery still charging at home that day too -_-

Also my clothing has completely changed from those days as I basically had no cycling specific clothing which probably didn't help.

Bumble B is all cleaned up and oiled up, battery pack for my main light is charging also my Hope is packed as a back up. The Garmin will be going on charge shortly

The weather looks good so should be a good ride.

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