Friday, 1 February 2013

Night before LBC Ride: London to Cambridge (Recce Ride)

Well folks tomorrow is the day that almost surprised me in how fast it came. I all but forgotten that there was this ride so early in the year. I so much had the April date in my mind I just about forgotten this till  last week.

Anyways I'm maybe a little more prepared for this ride than the LBC Ride: Richmond to Oxford back in Sept last year. I got more proper cycling clothing than I did last time and I'm finding that I'm not having to pack alot to boot.

The only thing I'm worried about is the wind at the moment as the UK is currently getting a damn good thrashing with high winds and rain. If the wind is behind us its all good but if its a head wind is going to make the 60+ miles feel ALOT longer & harder.

I've basically got The Legend all ready, gave him a quick wipe down this afternoon while at work & got supplies ready for packing in the MIGHTY O Bag. Hell I even managed to make a quick Ham pasta bake at the same time >:D

For some reason I'm feeling a little nervous & I have no idea why, maybe cause the high winds I have been riding in the last week or so have really turned me off  the idea but when with other members  cycling with me my mind will not be on that just the fun of the day.

Right then time to charge up the Garmin, cameras & myself.

For all those going tomorrow I shall see you at the meeting point & for the ones that couldn't make it, there will be others.

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