Sunday, 30 March 2014

LBC Berkshire Chiltern Magic & "Bonking"

This was a ride organized by Bob H.  A good loop ride from Reading Station just over 30miles with a promised Curry to finish.

After the awesome ride yesterday I was looking forward to this one as I knew the weather had been promised to be good throughout this weekend.

Felt there was a little chill in the air so I may have layered up more than I should which I would pay for dearly later on.

Fully fuelled up with porridge with a mixture of fruit & nuts and a banana I set off to Paddington Station to catch my train to Reading.

Once on the train I settled BBB in a luggage rack & enjoyed the ride.

If only it was true ;)
Having got to Reading Station I met up with Ann M, David P, Bob H, Dina D, Rob H & 5Mile. So 7 of us all together on this little ride.

After Bob H gave us a little outline of the ride we set off on our loop.

I have to say that  felt ok for the first 3-4miles, then things started to go wrong.

My legs felt very heavy, no energy, completely drained, confused even emotional at times.

I hit the "The Wall" but I like the term "BONKING"

I think I over did it on the LBC Thames Triple Chaser 2014 the day before and didn't recover properly.

Bob H suggested I take off a layer as it was turning into a warm day and that helped & also snacked on my energy bars.

Just about made it to the Terrace Cafe where it was suggested that I get a good energy boost from drinking milk. So I ordered up a Fish finger sandwich & glass of milk. My appetite wasn't all that good and I only ate half of the sandwich.

LBC: Berkshire Chiltern Magic little lunch break #urban #brompton #bromptonbicycle

LBC: Berkshire Chiltern Magic taking a little break #urban #bromptonbicycle #bromptonbicycle #lbclub

The Row 2 Recovery Atlantic boat “Endeavour”
Just before we left we spotted this creepy looking statue of famous Olympic Rowers outside the River & Rowing Museum
LBC: Berkshire Chiltern Magic with some famous rowers

Right after we left the museum there was a pretty steep hill. As soon as I saw it I hopped off and walked up the evil thing.

After a little while of cycling I began to feel a little better. Still felt lagged but kept on going as I knew we was on the homeward leg of the ride.

The promise of a good curry kept me going as I knew the Curry house was right next to the station.

Finally made it back to the Curry House where the owner was happy to have us park up our Bromptons in the back yard for safe keeping while we had  a damn fine curry buffet. Big thanks to the folks at the Curry House and ofcourse Bob H for leading and everyone else for their company.

My Garmin Data

1 comment:

  1. Glad you made it to the Curry House. No photo of the curry?? :-)
