Friday 10 January 2014

Poetry in motion

My partner in crime OrangeBrompton has been testing out Garmin's new action video camera the "Virb ELITE" & its accompanying software "Virb Edit"

One thing I have always wanted to do is put some of my cycling data on the video. 

I haven't been doing much video work since the Brompton World Championships 2013 (blog post) so I thought I'm break out my "dusty" GoProHD Hero 2 & the chest mount and see what I could come up with. With the weather being so crazy here in the UK at the moment I haven't been able to get out much for proper training. No excuse I know.

PAD: 8th January 2014
Chest mounted GoProHD Hero 2
Using Garmin's Virb Edit (video editing software) I can now display the ride data from my Garmin Edge 800 on the video footage I shot with the above set up. Just a quick test to feel out the software & get used to mounting the camera on my chest.

I personally think that the video is ok but unstable and shaky.

The best way for video footage for me personally is having the camera on BumbleB's top frame. It seems more stable and using the frame as a good stable reference point making the video seem less shaky.

Below is video I shot back in the summer of 2012 with my GoProHD Hero 2 on Bumble B's top frame using the GoPro big tube clamp. As you can see much more stable.

PAD: 16th June 2012
GoProHD Hero 2 mounted on BBB's top frame

Well still experimenting with what I'm going to video as sometimes it takes time away from the actually riding itself.


  1. Definitely like it better mounted to the frame, smoother video.

  2. Hi pal, is the gopro mounted on the frame the best position for least vibration from yr experience ?cos handlebar mounting is really horrific
