Tuesday, 31 December 2013

The end of a legendary year....

1 year
12 months
365 days
8760 hours
525,600 minutes
31,536,00 seconds

For BumbleB & me it has been the best year we have ever had.

Physically we have both changed and everyone has noticed.

Bumble B has been evolving this year.

When I first got Bumble B 4 yrs ago, I was thinking I would only be commuting to work and maybe the odd London event ride like SkyRide etc when they happened. But being co founder of the London Brompton Club I found I was doing more than just commuting & small London based events.

Bumble B has had several major upgrades this year. Converting from 3 gears to 6 gears with the Brompton BWR 6 Speed hub & Shimano PD-M540 pedals being the biggest.  

I am now starting to eat hills and even renamed Box Hill to Cardboard Box Hill.

These upgrades have made my cycling more efficient because in 2014 I will be doing even more bigger & longer rides.

2013 TOTAL MILEAGE:  3,789.28 miles

So as 2013 comes to a close, 2014 looks to be even bigger and better for the Legend.

We have only one thing to say.......

BRING IT !!!!!


  1. Consider it brung!


  2. Hi, I have been following your blog and Mr O's blog closely and I love it. When you say 6 speed BWR hub, does it mean 6 in total (3 x 2) or is it 6 within the hub itself?
    I ride a White H2L purchased May 2013 and I love it and it is the most frequently used bike here in India (Probably the only Brompton in india??)

    1. I mean 6 in total (3x2)

      Ride BBB basically every chance I get and I love it :)

      Glad you enjoying the blog, its always good to hear that people are reading, makes the whole thing worth while :)

      Bee safe out there
