Saturday, 24 August 2013

Almost finished: New #GripRings by @Spurcycle

For the first time BumbleB had a package addressed to him. Yes you heard right.

Addressed to Bumble B himself.

I've been eyeing up these SpurCycle: GripRings for awhile now and finally put in an order as the awesome yellow Brompton grips where starting to look pretty dirty of late. Even though I've cleaned them quiet often, they get dirty pretty quickly. On with the GripRings.

Pretty easy to install I must say and they look pretty damn good. Will take me awhile to get used to the feel of them compared to the Brompton foam grips but I'm liking how they match up with the rest of BumbleB's colour scheme.

Ok I guess you want some photos eh, or should I tease you some more? ok I won't here enjoy the eye candy.

SpurCycle: GripRings

Full blown Bumble B

Only thing left I feel now is a Brompton Yellow Saddle, I have thought about a Brooks but I'm not to sure about spending that kind of money and having to "break it in" & then not liking it. I'd go with what I know and thats the Brompton standard saddle. Then I guess I cant really do anything more with Bumble B other than get another and start again >:P maybe a full on racing bike.

Sunday, 18 August 2013

#iBikeLDN Summer Ride

Today was promised to be a good ride with the iBikeLDN Summer Ride in good East London, along the Thames River. The weather was going to be good maybe a slight shower at some point but nothing major.

As always there was goging to be a good turn out by the London Brompton Club and we arranged to meet up at St. Paul's Cathedral before heading to the iBikeLDN starting point at City Hall.

St. Pauls Cathedral
On our way to City Hall we stopped of by an installation we have seen a few times for a few snaps as we had plenty of time to get to City Hall by the Thames River.

Gathering at City Hall I see some faces I haven't seen for a long time and some new ones. As always Bumble B is the center of attention. Sometimes I wonder if all this attention hasn't gone to his headset. *shakes head*
Bumble B being Legendary as always

The Gathering
This is where my Brompton buddy Phil Sin gave me a little present, well a present for Bumble B that I will blog about later on. I was REALLY touched by it and can't thank Phil enough :)

After a little safety talk and roughly where we was going from our ride leader Anthony we walked along the Thames a little bit and headed off on route.

Lovely Parks

Stopping to catch up.

One of the Music Bikes
I definately like having music on these rides, I've even been looking into a small system for our LBC group rides. Maybe not as big as the music bikes on the iBike Rides. Watch this space ;)
Bumble B looking on
What a poser
As always whenever you see lots of cyclist rolling though we see people coming out asking what we are doing. I don't think they believe that we are just cycling to enjoy the sights of London and not protesting about something. Sometimes folks we ride for the sake of riding. We even beckon some if we see them with bikes nearby to come and join us.

All smiles

Some great street art
We was heading towards the top of Southwark Park for a great view of London

Bumble B on top of Southwark Park Hill
A fan from Brommie Yummie wanting a photo with The Legend
 After the Southwark Park we heading off with kicking music blasting away.
One of the iBikeLDN Music Bike

Brompton  riders always smiling
Thumbs Up

Entering Greenwich Park
When we started to head up Greenwich Park it started to spit a little rain but we soldiered on and it only lasted a few mins. When we got to the top of Greenwich there was quiet alot of tourist up there anyway and when with about 100 cyclists rolling up we was quiet a spectacle. A BIG group photograph was needed so everyone gathered together. There was so many of us that my lens wasn't wide enough :D

Wider lens needed
Can you spot me in this one?
 After a few photos we headed down the hill and continued onwards towards the Greenwich tunnel

When we arrived at the tunnel it was going to take a long while for everyone to use the lifts so I just picked up Bumble B and ran down the stairs. Much quicker
Navigating Greenwich Tunnel

Some taking the big but now full lift

While riding near to the River disaster  struck, one of the music bikes had a puncture but no fear with so many cyclist around with tools we soon got the music pumping and we was on our way.

 We had to catch up with the rest of the folks but we made it in the end. The sun was popping in and out but it was nice to sit on the grass relaxing.

 If your gonna relax do it right I say >:D my poor feet.

Well after while I decided to head off home, me & a couple of the LBC memebers where goig int e same direction towards Tower hill underground station and headed off saying our goodbyes to everyone and hoping to see them on other rides soon. I even gave out quiet a few of my Club cards to a few new Brompton owners and hopefully they will be joining the website and checking out my crazy ramblings here.

See you at the next ride

Garmin Data: iBikeLDN Summer Ride

Friday, 16 August 2013

What the doctor ordered !

Yesterday afternoon I had a well needed light training ride with my cycle buddy OrangeBrompton.

I have been having a lot of stress the last 6 weeks so much that over the past week I actually didn't feel safe riding & took the bus on busier sections of my commute. There is nothing better to do than to go on a bike ride with a friend(s) to help relieve mental stress, believe me. I want to thank my partner for inviting me on a ride.

I have to say it was a little lethal riding around Hyde Park after lunch time with the tourist on Boris Bikes esp wondering around the cycle lane in the park. Lucky my ninja like reactions saved me & Bumble B any incidents.

It was great to just chat & a little ride with my buddy and very grateful he asked me to go. As always we talking about our next upgrades & rides coming up. The next few weekends are going to be busy with iBikeLDN Summer ride (18th) this weekend and the FNRttC: Brighton (23rd-24th) the week after.

Bumble B & OrangeBrompton (Ti)
While we was having a coffee stop a young lad came up, a tourist and from what I could gather with the conversation Mr. O had was that he was asking about  where they could rent a Brompton. Mr.O told him that for £2000 he may be able to, not sure he understood though. *giggles*

While coming back from our session I found this great Lego underground station map at Green Park Station.
BumbleB & Lego London Underground Tube Map
Close up

My home station
PAD: 15th August 2013
Surprised at the details

Have to say I really liked the lego map, I've probably gone past it a few times when I've been to Green Park Station and missed it to.

London, got to love it.

Garmin data: Hyde Park Light Training Ride

Monday, 5 August 2013

Dreams about your @BromptonBicycle

Just woke up from a dream.

I was cycling home from somewhere, me and Mr.OrangeBrompton just parted going our separate ways. It was abit dark and the road was wet from the rain in London.

Was cycling up alittle incline and there was a little roadworks up ahead but I didn't see there was one of those motorway rail guard things at the side of the road. I got caught on the wrong side of it just about heading into a big hole but I couldn't stop so I tried to "wheelie hop" over the guard rail but I completely misjudged it and landed right on the top of it on Bumble B.

Next thing I know I'm pickng up Bumble B and he is in 2 complete bits. I picked him up and saw that I had snapped the rear triangle off right at the hinge point also breaking the main frame so both frames had major damage.

I just had to run downstairs to check on him to make sure it was only a dream, it felt TOO real :(

Man I'm going to need abit of therapy at some point if I dream like that more often.

Have you ever had a weird dream about your Brompton?

Saturday, 3 August 2013

The Legend goes to Prudential Ride London #PruRL2013

On this event a few of the roads in central London would be closed to normal traffic and only cyclist where about to ride past a few landmarks in the capital. This is a great chance to cycle past some of London's tourist attractions on bicycle without the fear of other traffic.

Made arrangements to meet up with a few of my LBC pose to go around the 8 mile traffic free loop. We arranged to meet up at one of the exits to Green Park Station as it was close to a starting point which I thought wouldn't get to busy. Got there on time and quickly found Ann & David P, John M & also a couple of other members.

The LBC Gang

We started to head futher into Green Park as there was a Festival Park Zone with tents and even a stage and big screen. After visiting the CTC & LCC tents we headed to another tent that had loads of little bits &pieces to really pimp up your bike. Mostly stuff for kids but had a good look around before the route officially opened. Did spot a few black and yellow items though >:D You should know me by now I can never resist anything thats black and yellow. Found these great little black and yellow stickers which I wont be sticking on Bumble B though, but maybe on something else.
Nice welcome for the Bumble B
Checking out the activity tents
Colouring for the kids

We heading towards the main start at Buckingham Palace.

Outside Buckingham Palace

It wasn't to busy so we figured we would put in some good cadence training while I got the chance. Was pretty great nipping in and out between other cyclist. I do get a great enjoyment in doing that for some reason. Lots of kids about so have to give them abit of a wide birth to make sure they don't unexpectedly move into the path of a speeding Bumble B.

Riding a bike on stilts
Bumble B & LadyGaGa @ Big Ben

Stopping off @St. Paul's Cathedral

Shiny Artwork near St.Pauls

Can you see me?  :P

Bumble B & St. Pauls

Riding Along *ding ding*

Finally met up with MickB & his good lady wife along embankment. Always good to see them. Stopped off for awhile and got to chatting for quiet abit. Starting to get abit hungry so headed towards Green Park as we knew there was a few eating places there. But the quenes where pretty long and we was hungry so headed to Caffe Nero. I highly recommend the Frappe Creme Strawberry & Vanilla & Chocolate cake :9

After a "sweet lunch" a few of us wanted to do one more circuit before calling it a day. I thought it would have been a little busier but it actually seemed alittle calmer. Probably with so many kids starting early on they probably got tired and hungry etc.

I started to head back towards Green Park as I could just take the train directly home, While on my way home I spotted this crazy guy with a boom box.
Crazy guy with boom box
Just as I was heading up to the station I ran into one of the iBikeLDN guys with testing their boom box and got chatting a little.

iBikeLDN: Summer Ride on the 18th August which I'm going to do my best to attend as they are always great.

While I was at the ride today someone tweeted that they saw me on the live broadcast on SkyNews was doing and did a screen grab and tweeted it.

Big thanks to @_dibdib for the good eye in spotting me >:D

The Legend on SkyNews >:D
The Legend continues......