Thursday, 7 November 2013

iPhone 5C

Having had my iPhone 3GS for years now, it was time to upgrade. Many people are pretty surprised that my iPhone 3GS is still going strong and hadn't died years ago, but it was time to upgrade as Apple with updating to iOS7 the 3GS could no longer able to keep up.

I'd heard about lots of different smart phones and ofcourse everyone gave me their 2 pence with of advice on what to get. I wanted to wait till Apple brought out their new devices (5S & 5C) before making the final decision.

Well when Apple came out with the iPhone 5C I searched on the Apple site and I saw how good the yellow iPhone 5C looked I knew it was the one. I didn't want anything fancy just something up to date so I could take photos, facebook & blogging.

in yellow
I backed up my 3GS and then inserted the nano sim into the 5C. Switching over to the new phone was simple and easy.

What surprised me at first was the speed increase on the net. This is the first time I've used 4G the new data network and I would even go to say its maybe even faster than my home internet o.0

iPhone 3GS & iPhone 5C
My old phone handing over to the new gadget. You have served me well 3GS, you will still be in use as my jukebox til I get you unlocked and given to my mom. Yup she's already eyeing it up for her next upgrade
Sexy lock screen ;)
Haven't had a chance to try out all the features yet, especially Siri, its a HUGE step up from my 3GS which I'm loving. Be warned there may well be more photos & blog posts etc with the 5C

Next purchase shall be a decent waterproof casing for me to carry the new phone in to keep it nice and dry on any wet rides we go on.

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