Sunday, 9 December 2012

Event: iBikeLDN Christmas Ride 2012

Today was going to be a good ride day, I've been watching the weather and today promised to be a goodish day weather wise, not too cold and no rain woop woop.

The legend had another quick clean and tires pumped up to pressures all ready for what promised to be a good days riding. Decided to take the GoPro HD Hero 2 with me this time as well as my compact camera this time round.
Hitting the underground I headed towards Hyde Park, while coming out of Green Park Station I saw another red brand new Brompton ahead of me. I didn't know at the time but she was heading for the same ride. I rode up to meeting point and met up with the few that had already been waiting. This time though there was only 4 Bromptons all together this time round :(

Anyways this Regents Canal route I have been thinking about doing for a long time as its one of my normal haunts that I go on but only to a certain point, plus this time I was doing it inverse, going from Central London outwards.

iBikeLDN Christmas Canal Ride 2012

iBikeLDN Christmas Canal Ride 2012
Even a few "Barclay's Bikes" came along
iBikeLDN Christmas Canal Ride 2012
Always keep meaning t come back to take more photos
iBikeLDN Christmas Canal Ride 2012
Some bits of Hyde Park you have to walk it
iBikeLDN Christmas Canal Ride 2012
One of the many bridges over the Regents Canals
iBikeLDN Christmas Canal Ride 2012
Brompton Bumble B

iBikeLDN Christmas Canal Ride 2012
Heading past London Zoo

iBikeLDN Christmas Canal Ride 2012
A hog scratching his/her bum :D
iBikeLDN Christmas Canal Ride 2012
More residents of London Zoo

iBikeLDN Christmas Canal Ride 2012
Brompton Bumble B on top of Primrose Hill

PAD: 8th December 2012
We made it to the top

iBikeLDN Christmas Canal Ride 2012
Cute pup named "Chewy" that I met at the top of Primrose Hill

iBikeLDN Christmas Canal Ride 2012
Stopping for Coffee break

iBikeLDN Christmas Canal Ride 2012
There is one hero right there Spider-man

iBikeLDN Christmas Canal Ride 2012
3 great presents under the tree

iBikeLDN Christmas Canal Ride 2012
Now I'm loving this, looks even better at night
iBikeLDN Christmas Canal Ride 2012
End of the ride

It was a good day out, longer than I thought it was going to be but good all the same. Looking into getting one of those lighting systems by Monkey Electric. Not sure how they would fit on a Brompton and they are abit expensive though. Would love to get one I could re program myself with LBC letters etc on it. Would look great on any night time rides I go on for sure. Bling Bling baby

Only thing that marred the day was me waiting for 50mins for fish and chips in the pub we finished up at, by the time I got my food just about everyone had left. Wont be going back to the Britannia
 in Victoria Park in a hurry I can tell ya.

Once again, thank you to iBikeLDN for organizing another good day of cycling and everyone else that attended.

All the photos are here iBikeLDN Christmas Canal Ride 2012
Video will be soon....

~ B ~


  1. Excellent write-up and fun photos with captions. Thanks for sharing this. I was hoping to get out on some kind of a ride this weekend but just had to get my house clean and laundry done. I'm looking forward to when engineers have finished constructing a new shared path/cycleway near to wear I live. It should be finished in March next year. Here are some piccies of stretches of it some chap kindly posted on Flikr. I don't know him but it saves me taking pics.

    1. heheh you should take some too, more fun a ride then :P

  2. Bumble B:
    Nice photos of lots of things, including that cute Chewy.
    The boats along the canal remind me of Inspector Morse :)

    Paz :)
